Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quick Styles

EQ - How can Quick Styles be used to enhance a PowerPoint?
  1. Activator: Did You Know (Serif v. Sans Serif)
  2. Introduction to Quick Styles & Format Painter
  3. Demo & Practice Round
  4. Assignment - p. 81-131
  5. TOD - Answer the EQ

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Heat Is On

EQ - How effectively can I create a PowerPoint given a time restriction?

  1. Activator: Thanksgiving Poll
  2. Your Mission:
    • Create a PPT that discusses the history of Thanksgiving
      • Find all information online
      • Insert images to enhance your PPT
      • Utilize Master Slides, Themes, Transitions, etc.
    • Information should include 
      • History
      • Personal History

Thursday, November 17, 2011

In The Lab

EQ - How do I apply what I have learned to improve PowerPoint Presentations?
  1. Activator:  Muddy Points Review
  2. Intro Lab Activities (PPT 69- PPT 77)
  3. TOD - Muddy Points: What did you have difficulty completing?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In The Lab

EQ - How do I apply what I have learned to improve PowerPoint Presentations?
  1. Activator:  Quick Application Check
  2. Intro Lab Activities (PPT 66 - PPT 68)
  3. Lab 1 - Keep Your Cool
  4. Lab 2 - Nutrition
  5. Lab 3 - Make It Right
  6. TOD - Muddy Points: What did you have difficulty completing?
*We will review the Muddy Points at the beginning of both classes this week*

Friday, November 11, 2011

Finalize Project

EQ - How can I apply the elements learned in the first marking period to improve a PPT concerning Veteran's Day?
  1. Mini-lesson - Refresh project requirements
  2. Finalize PPT
  3. Small Group Presentations

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Project Requirements

The following items should be included in your Veterans' Day PPT:
  • Create a Master Slide Template
  • Use at least 5 different layouts
  • Consistent Transitions
  • Various Images that enhance your PPT
    • Balance
    • Color Coordinated
    • Relate to Content
  • Content that follows the 4 x 4 Rule
  • Works Cited Slide
  • Hyperlink
  • Notes Pane Content
  • Unique Color Theme

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mid Semester Practice Review

EQ - How do I create a Master Slide?
  1. Activator - Hot Seat Challenge
  2. Class Brainstorm/Review
    • PPT Topics Learned during the first semester
    • Show off your skills
  3. Introduction to Veterans Day PPT
  4. Assignment Directions
  5. Work Time

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Master Slides

EQ - How are master slides created?
  1. Activator: Slide Masters
  2. Introduction to Master Slides
  3. Foldable
    • What
    • How
    • Why
    • Summary
  4. Try it Together *Teacher Demo*
  5. On Your Own
  6. TOD - What do you like about creating Master Slides?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Final Presentations

EQ - How effectively are PowerPoint presentations presented?
  1. Mini-lesson - Review Directions
  2. Round Robin Critique
  3. TOD - Half Page Summary of your presentation