Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Modifying Photos

EQ - How are photo albums created in PowerPoint?
  1. Error Analysis
    1. Return Quiz
    2. Your Choice
      1. Revise
      2. Community Reading
  2. Activator: Recap Avoid Being Powerpointless
  3. Inserting Photos
  4. Modifying Photos
  5. Creating Photo Album
  6. Introduction to Transitions
  7. Create a automatic photo album
HOMEWORK - Bring 15-20 digital photos to our next meeting

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Putting It All Together

EQ - How can I customize a PowerPoint to avoid being "PowerPointless"?
  1. Activator - Hot Seat
    1. Ways to avoid being PPTless
    2. Design Elements
    3. Customizing Themes
  2. Graded Project Introduction
  3. Project Work Time

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Customizing Themes

EQ - How can I create a customized theme?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk - Elements of PPT
  2. *Introduction to Customizing Themes*
  3. Create a customized theme for your presentation
  4. Finalize your Project 1
  5. Collaborative Pairs
    1.  What do you like about your partner's PPT?
    2. What could they do to make it look better?
  6. Make adjustments
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Friday, September 14, 2012

Slide Design Elements

EQ - How can I change the design elements of a PowerPoint slide?
  1. Activator - Collaborative Pairs:  Avoid Being PowerPointless
  2. Introduction to Slide Design Elements
    1. Slide Layout
    2. Tables
    3. Charts
    4. SmartArt
    5. Pictures From File
  3. Your Turn
    1. Choose Figure 1-104 or 1-105
    2. Create the PPT using the Outline Pane
    3. Make the PPT attractive using the slide design elements presented in class
  4. TOD 
    1. Which design element do you expect to use the most?
    2. In what class(es) will you most likely use each design element? How will you use it?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Avoid Being PowerPointless

EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
  1. Activator -  PowerPoint Standup
  2. Worst PowerPoint EVER
  3. Class Activity - How can we make this better?
  4. Avoid Being PowerPointless - PPT
  5.  Error Analysis
    1. What areas in your Favorite Things ppt can you modify to avoid being PowerPointless?
    2. Make adjustments to remedy these errors
  6. Small group presentations

Monday, September 10, 2012

Favorite Things Project

EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
  1. Activator - Homework Review
  2. Create an Outline
  3. Follow Along
    1. Formatting Text
      1. Font Group
      2. Format Painter Tool
    2. Formatting Placeholders
    3. Inserting Objects
      1. ClipArt
      2. Images
      3. SmartArt
  4. Applying Content to Favorite Things
      1. Review Project Requirements
      2. Finalize Outline
  5. Opening a PowerPoint
    1. Project Work Time
  6. TOD - Today I accomplished ______________ and _____________. Next class I will begin by ________________.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

PowerPoint Logic

EQ - How can thinking logically about the Tabs of PowerPoint, help me use the features of the software? 

  1. Activator - Worst Case Scenario: Bear Grylls
    1. Video - HERE
    2. Why does this escape plan make sense?
  2. A closer look at Tabs, Groups, and Commands
    1. Advanced Organizer
    2. Together - Spotting Trends of the Home Tab
    3. Collaborative Pairs
  3. Class Discussion - Logic and Using PowerPoint
  4. TOD - Answer the EQ

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Introduction to PowerPoint

EQ - What components of PowerPoint do I need to know before I can create a successful PowerPoint project?
  1. Activator:  Quick Recap with a partner
  2. Review Communications Model
  3. Communications Model Quiz
  4. Activator: Chalk Talk - What do you know about PowerPoint?
  5. Key Terminology
  6. Screenshot Introduction
  7. TOD - Today I learned about _________.  It includes ________, _______, and ________.