Thursday, January 29, 2015

PowerPoint Logic

EQ - How can thinking logically about the Tabs of PowerPoint, help me use the features of the software? 
  1. Activator - Splashdown the parts of the PowerPoint screen (14)
  2. Worst Case Scenario: Bear Grylls
    1. Video - HERE
    2. Why does this escape plan make sense?
    1. Discussion - How can logical thinking help us improve our accuracy?
    2. A closer look at Tabs, Groups, and Commands
      1. Advanced Organizer
      2. Together - Spotting Trends of the Home Tab
      3. Collaborative Pairs
    3. Class Discussion - Logic and Using PowerPoint
    4. TOD - Answer the EQ

    Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Intro to PowerPoint

    EQ - What components of PowerPoint do I need to know before I can create a successful PowerPoint project?
    1. Activator:  Quick Recap with a partner
    2. Review Communications Model
    3. Communications Model Quiz
    4. Laptop Assignments
    5. Review of Computer Policy
    6. Activator: Chalk Talk - What do you know about PowerPoint?
    7. Key Terminology
    8. Screenshot Introduction
    9. TOD - Today I learned about _________.  It includes ________, _______, and ________. 

    Friday, January 23, 2015

    Communication and PowerPoint

    EQ - How can we develop and communicate content for a presentation?
    1. Activator - Communications Model *Quiz Next Class*
      1. Parts of the model
      2. 3 types of noise
      3. Connection to PPT
    2. Partnership Interview
      1. Directions
      2. Interview Time
      3. Presentation Development (Content)
      4. Present Your Partner
    3. Tips for content development
    4. TOD -  Reflection
      1. What went well?
      2. What could be better?
      3. How could you better develop content to enhance communication?
    5. If time permits - Introduction to PowerPoint Opening Screen

    Wednesday, January 21, 2015

    Welcome to PowerPoint

     EQ - How does the use of PowerPoint require an understanding of the communications model?
    1. Activator - Whisper Down The Lane
      1. Class Brainstorm - How does the lesson of this game relate to PowerPoint?
    2. Communications Model 
    3. Identifying Noise
      1. External
      2. Internal
      3. Symmantic
    4. Self-Assessment
      1. In what situations do you find yourself most distracted?
      2. What are your worries/concerns (if any) when presenting to a group of people?
      3. Did you experience noise during the Whisper Down The Lane game?  Explain why or why not?
    5. Know your Audience
      1. Class discussion
      2. Jot notes about your fellow classmates to keep in your notebook
    6. TOD Part 1
      1. Briefly summarize the communications model
      2. How will understanding this model help me use PowerPoint more effectively? 
    7. Syllabus Review, Classroom Procedures, Expectations
    8. TOD Part 2
      1. What are you most looking forward to during your time in PowerPoint?