Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hybrid Cars Project

EQ - How can I enhance the design of a PowerPoint slideshow?
  1. Customized Theme - Museum Walk & Vote
  2. Your Turn - Is a Hybrid Car Right For You?
    1. Together - What is important to you when choosing a car?
    2. Search the web to find content to help you make your decision. (AO Foldable)
    3. Create a PowerPoint using the Outline Pane
      1. Slide 1 - Title Slide
      2. Slide 2 - Intro/Agenda Slide
      3. Slide 3 - Defining Hybrid Cars
      4. Slide 4 - Factor 1
      5. Slide 5 - Factor 2 
      6. Slide 6 - Factor 3
      7. Slide 7 - Summary/Conclusion (try to think of a more creative slide title)
    4. Make the PPT attractive using the slide design elements and a customized theme.
  3. TOD 
    1. Which design element do you expect to use the most as we move forward?
    2. In what class(es) will you most likely use each design element? How will you use it?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Customized Themes

EQ - How can I create a customized theme?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk - Elements of PPT
  2. *Introduction to Customizing Themes*
    1. Step by Step Project
    2. Today's PowerPoint
  3. Create a customized theme for your presentation
  4. About Me Project
  5. Collaborative Pairs
    1.  What do you like about your partner's PPT?
    2. What could they do to make it look better?
  6. Make adjustments
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Friday, February 12, 2016

Modifying Slide Design Elements

EQ - How can slide design elements be modified?

  1. Activator: Modifying Image Challenge
  2. CP Review - Elements of Slide Design
  3. PowerPoint Challenge

The key to completing the assignment is to FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS.

Click HERE for project directions


Water Lillies
Use ClipArt to find the Beaker Picture

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Modifying Slide Design Elements

EQ - How do I modify the format of slide design elements?

Print directions
  1. Activator - Draw a smiley face in PPT using shapes
  2. Formatting Shapes
    1. Edit Shapes
    2. Styles
    3. Fill
    4. Outline
    5. Effects
    6. Group
  3. Show Me
  4. Formatting Pictures
    1. Styles
    2. Borders
    3. Effects
    4. Layouts
    5. Arrange
    6. Corrections (Launcher)
  5. Show Me
  6. Formatting Fonts
    1. Formatting you know
    2. Font Launcher
      1. Effects
      2. Spacing
    3. Format Painter
  7. Show Me
  8. Putting It All Together - Top 10 List
    1. Directions
    2. Rubric
    3. Project Work Time

Monday, February 8, 2016

Slide Design Elements

EQ - How can I change the design elements of a PowerPoint slide?
  1. Activator - Collaborative Pairs:  Avoid Being PowerPointless 
  2. Introduction to Slide Design Elements
    1. Slide Layout
    2. Tables
    3. Charts
    4. SmartArt
    5. Pictures From File
  3. Outline View
  4. Your Turn - Favorite Things Assessment
Instructions:  You will create a Power Point in which you must use at least five different slide layouts to demonstrate the difference in the appearance of each of these.  Make sure you utilize the commands within the placeholders to add pictures, charts, etc. 

The topics covered in your presentation all have to do with things that are your favorite within the categories given.  You may place the items in any order, but they should meet the following requirements:

·         Follow 4 X 4 Rule
·         Contain important/relevant information and/or pictures
·         Size, style, color should be consistent throughout and should be readable (contrast colors)
·         Design background needed; only title slide may be different from others


1.      Class
2.      Movies/TV Shows
3.      Actor/Actress
4.      Book
5.      Music/Bands
6.      Song Writer/Singer
7.      Foods
8.      Restaurants
9.      Sports or Teams

10.  Hobbies

Thursday, February 4, 2016


EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown (Parts of the PPT screen)
  2. Quiz
  3. Assignment 1
    1. List 5 of your favorite things
    2. Create a PowerPoint Slideshow to inform the class of these items
    3. Small Group Presentations
    4. Evaluation
      1. What do you like about the design of the presentations?
      2. What could be better about the design?
  4. Activator -  PowerPoint Standup
  5. Worst PowerPoint EVER
  6. Class Activity - How can we make this better?
  7. Avoid Being PowerPointless - PPT
  8.  Error Analysis
    1. What areas in your Favorite Things PPT can you modify to avoid being PowerPointless?
    2. Make adjustments to remedy these errors
  9. Small group presentations

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Intro to PowerPoint

EQ - What components of PowerPoint do I need to know before I can create a successful PowerPoint project?
  1. Activator:  Quick Recap with a partner
  2. Review Communications Model
  3. Communications Model Quiz
  4. Laptops
  5. Review of Computer Policy
  6. Activator: Chalk Talk - What do you know about PowerPoint?
  7. Key Terminology
  8. Screenshot Introduction
  9. TOD - Today I learned about _________.  It includes ________, _______, and ________. 

EQ - How can thinking logically about the Tabs of PowerPoint, help me use the features of the software? 
  1. Activator - Splashdown the parts of the PowerPoint screen (14)
  2. Worst Case Scenario: Bear Grylls
    1. Video - HERE
    2. Why does this escape plan make sense?
    1. Discussion - How can logical thinking help us improve our accuracy?
    2. A closer look at Tabs, Groups, and Commands
      1. Advanced Organizer
      2. Together - Spotting Trends of the Home Tab
      3. Collaborative Pairs
    3. Class Discussion - Logic and Using PowerPoint
    4. TOD - Answer the EQ