Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Intro to PowerPoint

EQ - What components of PowerPoint do I need to know before I can create a successful PowerPoint project?
  1. Activator:  Quick Recap with a partner
  2. Review Communications Model
  3. Communications Model Quiz
  4. Laptop Assignments
  5. Review of Computer Policy
  6. Activator: Chalk Talk - What do you know about PowerPoint?
  7. Key Terminology
  8. Screenshot Introduction
  9. TOD - Today I learned about _________.  It includes ________, _______, and ________. 
  10. Pre-assessment (Favorite Things)

EQ - How can thinking logically about the Tabs of PowerPoint, help me use the features of the software? 
  1. Activator - Splashdown the parts of the PowerPoint screen (14)
  2. Worst Case Scenario: Bear Grylls
    1. Video - HERE
    2. Why does this escape plan make sense?
    1. Discussion - How can logical thinking help us improve our accuracy?
    2. A closer look at Tabs, Groups, and Commands
      1. Advanced Organizer
      2. Together - Spotting Trends of the Home Tab
      3. Collaborative Pairs
    3. Class Discussion - Logic and Using PowerPoint
    4. TOD - Answer the EQ

    Friday, August 26, 2016

    Communication and PowerPoint

    EQ - How can we develop and communicate content for a presentation?
    1. Activator - Communications Model *Quiz Next Class*
      1. Parts of the model
      2. 3 types of noise
      3. Connection to PPT
    2. Partnership Interview
      1. Directions
      2. Interview Time
      3. Presentation Development (Content)
      4. Present Your Partner
    3. Tips for content development
    4. TOD -  Reflection
      1. What went well?
      2. What could be better?
      3. How could you better develop content to enhance communication?
    5. If time permits - PowerPoint Pre-Assessment

    Wednesday, August 24, 2016

    Welcome to PowerPoint

    EQ - How does the use of PowerPoint require an understanding of the communications model?
    1. Activator - Whisper Down The Lane
      1. Class Brainstorm - How does the lesson of this game relate to PowerPoint?
    2. Communications Model 
    3. Identifying Noise
      1. External
      2. Internal
      3. Symmantic
    4. Self-Assessment
      1. In what situations do you find yourself most distracted?
      2. What are your worries/concerns (if any) when presenting to a group of people?
      3. Did you experience noise during the Whisper Down The Lane game?  Explain why or why not?
    5. Know your Audience - Partnership Activity
      1. Class discussion
      2. Jot notes about your fellow classmates to keep in your notebook
    6. TOD Part 1
      1. Briefly summarize the communications model
      2. How will understanding this model help me use PowerPoint more effectively? 
    7. Syllabus Review, Classroom Procedures, Expectations
    8. TOD Part 2
      1. What are you most looking forward to during your time in PowerPoint?