Monday, September 25, 2017

Customized Themes

Continuation from last class
  1. Remote Connection Directions
  2. Review EQ
  3. Finalize PowerPoint Challenge 1
  4. CP - Answer the EQ
  5. Debriefing

EQ - How can I create a customized theme?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk - Elements of PPT
  2. *Introduction to Customizing Themes*
    1. Step by Step Project
    2. Today's PowerPoint
  3. Create a customized theme for your presentation
  4. Update your Favorite Things PowerPoint
    1. Rubric Review
    2. Enhance your pictures using the extended tab
    3. Create a customized theme
  5. Collaborative Pairs
    1.  What do you like about your partner's PPT?
    2. What could they do to make it look better?
  6. Make adjustments
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

PowerPoint Logic

EQ - How do I create a presentation with Custom Backgrounds and SmartArt Diagrams
  1. Activator - Logical Approach to PPT
  2. Introduction of Assignment*
  3. TOD 
    1. What was the easiest part of the assignment to complete?
    2. The most difficult?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Intro to Slide Design Elements

EQ - How can I change the design elements of a PowerPoint slide?
  1. Activator - Collaborative Pairs: Review Avoid Being PowerPointless 
  2. Introduction to Slide Design Elements
    1. Slide Layout
    2. Tables
    3. Charts
    4. SmartArt
    5. Pictures From File
  3. Outline View
  4. Your Turn - Favorite Things Assessment
Instructions:  You will create a Power Point in which you must use at least five different slide layouts to demonstrate the difference in the appearance of each of these.  Make sure you utilize the commands within the placeholders to add pictures, charts, etc. 

The topics covered in your presentation all have to do with things that are your favorite within the categories given (You may choose one item from your pre-assessment PowerPoint as a topic to expand).  Your slideshow should meet the following requirements:

·         Follow 4 X 4 Rule
·         Contain important/relevant information and/or pictures
·         Size, style, color should be consistent throughout and should be readable (contrast colors)
·         Design background needed; only title slide may be different from others


1.      Class
2.      Movies/TV Shows
3.      Actor/Actress
4.      Book
5.      Music/Bands
6.      Song Writer/Singer
7.      Foods
8.      Restaurants
9.      Sports or Teams
10.  Hobbies

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown (Parts of the PPT screen)
  2. Assignment 1
    1. List 5 of your favorite things
    2. Create a PowerPoint Slideshow to inform the class of these items
    3. Small Group Presentations
    4. Evaluation
      1. What do you like about the design of the presentations?
      2. What could be better about the design?
  3. Activator -  PowerPoint Standup
  4. Worst PowerPoint EVER
  5. Class Activity - How can we make this better?
  6. Avoid Being PowerPointless - PPT
  7.  Error Analysis
    1. What areas in your Favorite Things PPT can you modify to avoid being PowerPointless?
    2. Make adjustments to remedy these errors
  8. Small group presentations