Friday, September 28, 2018

Hybrid Cars Project

EQ – How do I effectively design a PowerPoint slideshow?

  1. Activator – How do we structure the content of a PPT to make it more effective?
  2. Customized Theme – Museum Walk & Vote
  3. Your Turn – Is a Hybrid Car Right For You?
    1. Together – What is important to you when choosing a car?
    2. Search the web to find content to help you make and support your decision.
    3. Create a PowerPoint using the Outline View.
    4. Slide Content
      1. Slide 1 – Title Slide
      2. Slide 2 – Intro/Agenda
      3. Slide 3 – Defining Hybrid Cars
      4. Slide 4 – Reason 1 w/ support
      5. Slide 5 – Reason 2 w/ support
      6. Slide 6 – Reason 3 w/ support
      7. Slide 7 – Summary/Conclusion (try to think of a more creative slide title)
      8. Make the PPT attractive using the elements of slide design and a customized theme.
  4. TOD – 1/2 Sheet Questionnaire
    1. Which design element do you expect to use the most as we move forward?
    2. In what class(es) will you most likely use each element of slide design?  How will you use it?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Customized Themes

Continuation from last class
  1. Remote Connection Directions
  2. Review EQ
  3. Finalize PowerPoint Challenge 1
  4. CP - Answer the EQ
  5. Debriefing

EQ - How can I create a customized theme?
  1. Activator: Chalk Talk - Elements of PPT
  2. *Introduction to Customizing Themes*
    1. Step by Step Project
    2. Today's PowerPoint
  3. Create a customized theme for your presentation
  4. Update your Favorite Things PowerPoint
    1. Rubric Review
    2. Enhance your pictures using the extended tab
    3. Create a customized theme
  5. Collaborative Pairs
    1.  What do you like about your partner's PPT?
    2. What could they do to make it look better?
  6. Make adjustments
  7. TOD - Answer the EQ

Monday, September 17, 2018

PowerPoint Logic

EQ - How can thinking logically about the Tabs of PowerPoint, help me use the features of the software? 
  1. Activator - Splashdown the parts of the PowerPoint screen (14)
  2. Introduction of Assignment*

  3. TOD 
    1. What was the easiest part of the assignment to complete?
    2. The most difficult?
  4. Worst Case Scenario: Bear Grylls
    1. Video - HERE
    2. Why does this escape plan make sense?
    1. Discussion - How can logical thinking help us improve our accuracy?
    2. A closer look at Tabs, Groups, and Commands
      1. Advanced Organizer
      2. Together - Spotting Trends of the Home Tab
      3. Collaborative Pairs
    3. Class Discussion - Logic and Using PowerPoint
    4. Finish the assignment
    5. TOD - Answer the EQ

    Wednesday, September 5, 2018

    Avoid Being PowerPointless

    EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
    1. Activator - PowerPoint Standup
    2. Worst PowerPoint EVER
    3. Class Activity - How can we make this better?
    4. Avoid Being PowerPointless - PPT
    5.  Error Analysis
      1. How would you make the sample PPT better?
    Day 2
    1. Introduction to Guacamole
    2. Assignment 1
      1. List 5 of your favorite things
      2. Create a PowerPoint Slideshow to inform the class of these items
      3. Small Group Presentations
      4. Evaluation
        1. What do you like about the design of the presentations?
        2. What could be better about the design?
    3. Small Group Presentations
      1. What went well?
      2. What could be better?
        1. Design
        2. Content
    4. Self-Assessment
      1. What did you like most about your PPT?
      2. What areas in your Favorite Things PPT can you modify to avoid being PowerPointless?
    5. Make adjustments to remedy these errors