Friday, November 30, 2012

Master Slides

EQ - How are master slides created?
  1. Activator: Slide Masters
  2. Foldable
    • What
    • How
    • Why
    • Summary
  3. Introduction to Master Slides - Click Here 
  4. Part 2 - Click Here
    1. Actively Read
    2. Complete your foldable
  5. Try it Together *Teacher Demo*
  6. On Your Own - Practice 4
  7. TOD - In Today's Meet
 **When you finish - Complete all Practice Problems by the end of the class period

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Post Turkey Day Practice

EQ - What elements of PowerPoint need refreshed?
  1. Activator - Today's Meet
  2. Practice Project Directions
    1. Use Today's Meet 2 to post your questions
    2. Complete Practice 1, Practice 2, and Practice 3
    3. Actively Read the Objectives
      1. Highlight the main topics you will refresh
      2. Identify what you think you may need help refreshing
    4. Follow ALL directions carefully
  3. REMEMBER to stop at the end of Practice 3
  4. TOD - In Today's Meet 2
    1. Think Positive - How did today's lesson help you?
    2. Be Proactive - How can Mr. Hill help me moving forward?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Essay Review

DIRECTIONS - Access your Google Drive to make the following highlights to your essay.

  1. Highlight the THESIS STATEMENT in Purple
  2. Each paragraph's Topic Sentence in Yellow
  3. Each paragraph's FIRST Supporting Detail in Green
  4. Each paragraph's SECOND Supporting Detail in Orange
  5. Each paragraph's THIRD Supporting Detail in Blue
  6. Each paragraph's Conclusion Sentence in Red
  7. Each Transition in Pink
If you must make any adjustments, please feel free to do so.

Overall, your essay should show the following number of highlights:

1 Purple
5 Yellow
5 Green
5 Orange
5 Blue
5 Red
4 Pink

Monday, November 5, 2012

Editing Your Rough Draft

Today's Goals

  1. Revise & Edit Your Rough Draft
    1. Use the Checklist provided by the substitute
    2. Pretend that you are me and re-read your paper and make adjustments as needed
  2. Begin Developing PowerPoint
    1. Remember to Avoid Being PowerPointLess
      1. Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em
      2. Tell 'em
      3. Tell 'em what you already told 'em
    2. Clean Design Elements
    3. Customize Themes
    4. Use Appropriate Visuals to ENHANCE the design
  3. If time permits
    1. Practice with a partner
    2. Identify what went well in your presentation
    3. Identify what could be improved
  4. Make adjustments accordingly