Monday, November 5, 2012

Editing Your Rough Draft

Today's Goals

  1. Revise & Edit Your Rough Draft
    1. Use the Checklist provided by the substitute
    2. Pretend that you are me and re-read your paper and make adjustments as needed
  2. Begin Developing PowerPoint
    1. Remember to Avoid Being PowerPointLess
      1. Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em
      2. Tell 'em
      3. Tell 'em what you already told 'em
    2. Clean Design Elements
    3. Customize Themes
    4. Use Appropriate Visuals to ENHANCE the design
  3. If time permits
    1. Practice with a partner
    2. Identify what went well in your presentation
    3. Identify what could be improved
  4. Make adjustments accordingly

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