Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Give a Little Bit

EQ - How can I incorporate Master Slides into a presentation?

  1. Activator - Survey
  2. Extra Give Event
    1. $1.6 Million
    2. 194 Organizations
    3. Leaderboard
  3. Find an Organization that you believe in
  4. Create a PPT to share information about this organization to the class that includes the following:

  • Create a Master Slide Template
  • Use at least 5 different layouts
  • Consistent Transitions
  • Various Images that enhance your PPT
    • Balance
    • Color Coordinated
    • Relate to Content
  • Content that follows the 4 x 4 Rule
  • Works Cited Slide
  • Hyperlink
  • Notes Pane Content
  • Unique Color Theme
  • Images/Shapes/SmartArt
  • At least 1 chart
  • A customized yet non-distracting animation

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