Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SmartArt and Transitions

EQ - How can I use SMART Art in a slideshow?
  1. Activator - Survey Generation
    1. Groups of 5
    2. Formulate one really awesome survey question
    3. Identify 5 acceptable choices
    4. Regroupings
    5. Survey your new group members
  2. Class Discussion
  3. Sharing the information - TodaysMeet
  4. SmartArt review
  5. Practice - Design a PowerPoint that can serve as a medium for this survey using ONLY SmartArt 
  6. Intro to Customizing SmartArt
  7. Customize your work from #5
Next class we will look at the following:
  1. Textboxes
  2. Hyperlinks
  3. Guided Practice - Combining 2-4 into a slideshow

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