Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Avoid Being PowerPointless

EQ - How can I avoid being PowerPointless?
  1. Activator -  PowerPoint Standup
  2. Worst PowerPoint EVER
  3. Class Activity - How can we make this better?
  4. Avoid Being PowerPointless - PPT
  5.  Error Analysis
    1. What areas in your Favorite Things PPT can you modify to avoid being PowerPointless?
    2. Make adjustments to remedy these errors
  6. Class Discussion
    1. What content elements of your PowerPoint did you improve?
    2. What design elements did you improve?
  7. Intro to Slide Layouts
    1. Types of Layouts
    2. TPS - When would you use each?
    3. Apply one different layout to each slide
    4. Save
  8. AP - List and Describe at least 3 different PowerPoint Slide Layouts
  9. CP - Error Analysis
    1. Quick Presentations
    2. What did you like about your partner's presentation?
    3. What did you not like?
  10. Discussion Question - How can we use this information to help us communicate with the class in the future?
  11. TOD - How can using a variety of slide layouts enhance a presentation AND eliminate noise during communication?

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