Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Favorite Things

EQ - How can using various PowerPoint slide layouts improve a presentation?

  1. Activator - TPS: List and describe when to use each tab of the ribbon
  2. Account Management
  3. Saving Procedures
  4. Project Introduction
    1. Directions Sheet*
    2. Project Work Time
      1. Slide 1 - Title
      2. Slide 2 - Foods
      3. Slide 3 - Activities
      4. Slide 4 - Animals
      5. Slide 5 - Sports Teams/Books
      6. Slide 6 - Restaurants
      7. Slide 7 - Movies/TV Shows
      8. Slide 8 - Class/Subject
      9. Slide 9 - Place to Visit
  5. Intro to Slide Layouts
    1. Types of Layouts
    2. TPS - When would you use each?
    3. Apply one different layout to each slide
    4. Save
  6. AP - List and Describe at least 3 different PowerPoint Slide Layouts
  7. CP - Error Analysis
    1. Quick Presentations
    2. What did you like about your partner's presentation?
    3. What did you not like?
  8. Discussion Question - How can we use this information to help us communicate with the class in the future?
  9. TOD - How can using a variety of slide layouts enhance a presentation AND eliminate noise during communication?

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